Facts and Long History of the Charlotte Hornets

Internasional | JATIMONLINE.NET,- The name Charlotte Hornets may be familiar to NBA sports fans. However, this club seems to have some interesting facts about its history as well as its name. The following are some interesting facts about the Chartlotte Hornets since it was founded until now.
The Charlotte Hornets was founded in 1985 by George Shinn and several local entrepreneurs from the North Carolina area. Initially this team was going to use the name Charlotte Spirits, but based on a poll conducted, the Hornet name was finally chosen to be included as part of the team.
Early Standing
In 2002, the conditions of the Charlotte Hornets were not at all good because of the rape scandal committed by George Shinn. Under intense pressure from society, Shinn threatens to move his team from Charlotte city.
Finally, in 2002, Shinn decided to move his team’s homebass to New Orleans due to not getting the support he wanted for his team.
At the new home base, the team eventually changed its name to the New Orleans Hornet before finally using the name New Orleans Pelicans.
Hornets’ move to New Orleans gave the NBA an opportunity for the Charlotte area to create a new team. Then in 2004, Robert L. Johnson, then founded the Charlotte Bobcats through his group, Black Entertainment Television. Together with several entrepreneurs and investors, finally Bobcats officially arrived in the city of Charlotte.
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